Friday, April 5, 2013

Health & Nutrition Benefits Of Eating Apples

Retrieved from: Health Remedies

• Apples are abundant in quercetin, a flavonoid, which helps prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells.
• Apples are said to help in slowing down ageing-related problems, avoiding wrinkles and promoting hair growth.
• A recent study has found that, apples lowers the body’s need for insulin and also helps in controlling diabetes.
• Apples have been found to have a positive result on those suffering from risk of stroke, Type II diabetes and asthma.
• Apples, because of the presence of flavonoids, inhibit the growth of carcinogenic substances in the bladder and thus, diminish the risk of bladder cancer, especially in smokers.
• Eating apples on a regular basis is extremely crucial for the improvement of the lung function.
• Researches have suggested that, apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. This is possible due to the presence of a flavonoid called phloridzin and boron, another ingredient that helps strengthen bones.
• The antioxidants and flavonoids present in apples help in the reducing the risk of respiratory disorders like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
• The fiber and phytonutrients present in apples help in the reduction of blood cholesterol and also improve bowel function. In fact, apple juice has been found to restrain the oxidation of the harmful cholesterol (LDL or low-density lipoprotein).
• The phytonutrients present in the skin of apples have been found to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells.
• The presence of dietary fiber in apples helps in better digestion and also promotes weight loss.
• Researches have also suggested that foods like apples, which contain flavonoids, might reduce the risk of lung cancer.
• Studies conducted on mice at Cornell University concluded that, the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from drastic impairment that may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
• The fruit is rich in dietary fiber and also helps in the building of colon mucous membrane, which is essential for balanced bowel movement and eliminating waste from the body.
• The skin of an apple in fact, has more properties than the apple itself. So, the next time you decide to peel the skin of an apple for your toddler, think again. The skin of apples promotes growth cells and helps in the development of brain cells, promoting overall brain health.

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